En quoi les compétences de l’ergothérapeute le prédisposent-elles à un rôle de coordinateur ? Illustration auprès d’un dispositif de prévention des fragilités des personnes âgées dans l’Hérault

How the occupational therapists’ skills do they predispose them to a coordinating role? Illustration within a frailty prevention organization for elderly persons in the Herault region, in France

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Summary :

Based on the Seniors’health pathway (Parcours de santé des aînés) experimentation for seniors at risk of loss of autonomy on our territory, the occupational therapist coordinator role was created. This innovation is the result of a logical and assumed reflection on the part of the presidency of the association around the transversal skills of the occupational therapist and their holistic view of the people. From the assessment of needs to the development of a personalized health plan through interprofessional coordination, the missions of the occupational therapist coordinator are rich and varied, which is a particularly interesting form of practice that enriches our profession. In this article, the author questions the skills necessary for the coordinator’s mission and finds all the occupational therapist’s skills.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Camille Benzine-Cauvy

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Cadre Paerpa

    Prévention fragilité séniors 34
    80, avenue Augustin-Fliche
    34295 Montpellier cedex 5


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